- Releasing dangerous foreign nationals into the United States and blaming the sequester was a 'federally sponsored jailbreak.'
- "There's nothing free that comes from Washington."
- Me: Amen to that!!!
- "All we have is a promise from a Federal Government that apparently can't afford to lock up dangerous criminals."
- After repeating his unwavering opposition to expanding Medicaid under Obamacare, Governor Perry then laid out his alternative in more detail than I've heard before:
- Patient-Centered Reforms
- Flexibility for States to Innovate
- Higher co-pays for Medicaid services to discourage overconsumption
- Asset tests for Medicaid benefits.
- HSA's for the poor.
- "We care about the Health of our citizens more than Washington."
- On Economic Growth: "It just so happens that balanced budgets and one of the lowest tax and spending burdens in the nation corresponds with our #1 ranking when it comes to jobs created."
- We don't believe growing government grows the economy.
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