"Consider the work of God;
For who can make straight what He has made crooked?"
Ecclesiastes 7:13
Yesterday, Cahnman's Musings attended a performance of the play Marx in SoHo by Howard Zinn, author of the discredited book A People's History of the United States. The play portrays a resurrected (yes, that kind of resurrection) Karl Marx back to defend his legacy. It was fascinating.
The play is the most succinct presentation of Marx's thinking we've ever seen. It gave us a more complete understanding of Marxism. More important, it deepened our understanding of the Book of Revelation.
Marx is SoHo is written with an antiChrist spirit. It repeatedly blasphemes and mocks Jesus. Marx also advocates the abolition of national borders. A blasphemous global government is a key component of Revelation. Marx in SoHo illustrates the role Marxism could play in the fulfillment of those prophesies.
In terms of Economics, Marx in SoHo is based on the flawed premise that wealth is created collectively. According to Marx, because wealth is created collectively, if one person has more, they must have stolen it. From this premise, Marx proposes "seizing the means of production" to "more equitably distribute the wealth." It's worth noting that every example Marx cites involves heavily regulated industries where the government is already present (eg. Finance and Health Care). History is clear about where these ideas lead.
As any defense of Marx must, Marx in SoHo is loaded with historical revision. Two examples stand out. First, Marx in SoHo portrays Marx as a doting husband and father; that's a canard. It also cites the Paris Commune of 1871 as a shining example of Marxism. The Paris Commune killed its political 'hostages.'
The Q and A after the show was equally revealing. One audience member suggested "the early Soviet Union under Lenin" deserved recognition alongside the Paris Commune as an example of when Communism was done right; ...yeah. Bob Weick, the actor who played Marx, argued that the United States should move closer to the so-called Scandanavian model, ignoring the fact that Scandanavia moved away from that model two decades ago. Cahnman's Musings engaged Weick in a discussion of economic first principles, to which Weick responded with a familiar argument. Cahnman's Musings thinks Senator Rand Paul said it best when he said that if you think the roads built the business, and not the other way around, you might be economically illiterate.
Marx in SoHo was fascinating. Bob Weick is an excellent actor; in terms of staging and theatrics, his performance was flawless. The ideas behind his performance, however, remain evil. Cahnman's Musings urges readers to pray for the Lord to lift the veil of deception from Mr. Weick's eyes. In the meantime, Cahnman's Musings gave the Devil a respectful hearing yesterday; our answer remains the same.
Author's Note: The video below is a full performance of Marx in SoHo starring another actor; you can see clips of Bob Weick playing Marx here.
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