Back in February, Cahnman's Musings published this list of big ticket items for the 83rd Texas Legislature; heading into the final six weeks of the session, these are our revised priorities:
- Gold, gold, gold - Rep. Giovanni Capriglione has proposed building a depository to store Gold bullion. Governor Perry supports this effort. Repatriating our own gold, and creating a safe haven for others' gold, will enable Texas to withstand the coming global economic [REDACTED]storm. In a world where bank deposits are being confiscated, safety has value. Accomplishing this task will allow us to live to fight another day.
- School Choice - K-12 education is 40% of state spending. Keeping long-term education spending under control is essential to keep the budget under control. Putting the money in the hands of parents instead of educrats will also help pre-empt future CSCOPE's.
- Medicaid - Medicaid expansion is economic suicide; just say no.
- Transparency/Pensions - As we said in February: "Local government debt in Texas is $324 billion. Pension obligations are a big chunk of that debt. The interrelated issues of local debt and pension obligations are a time bomb the legislature should defuse before it becomes a crisis."
- Texas Budget Compact - This is Rick Perry's baby. To our knowledge, he isn't doing bupkus to get it passed. Cahnman's Musings was an early supporter of the Texas Budget Compact, but if Rick Perry isn't going to do squat to pass his signature initiative, why should we?!?
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