One of the most important votes of the 83rd Texas Legislature will occur today when the Texas House votes on SB 1406. If passed, this bill will take all things CSCOPE out of the hand of bureaucrats and place them under the supervision of Texas' elected State Board of Education. This will begin to control CSCOPE.
From Concerned Women for America -- Texas:
Thank you for all your prayers, phone calls, and e-mails regarding SB 1406 "The CSCOPE bill". This has been the major bill we have been working on since day one of session, and we are getting excellent movement on this bill. SB 1406 will be heard tomorrow on the House floor. CWA of Texas will be there. If this bill passes as written, it is an exact match to the Senate version, and we believe it will head straight to the Governor's desk to be signed into law. CWA of Texas believes CSCOPE needs to have oversight by the State of Texas because it was paid for using federal, state, and local tax dollars. That is what makes CSCOPE different from any curriculum in this state. It was created with Texas tax dollars. If our House members do not support this bill, they are saying to Texans that it is OK for a non-transparent, unaccountable, un-elected bureaucrat to run amuck with millions of our tax dollars and the hearts and minds of our children with their slanted materials.From Americans for Prosperity -- Texas:
Chrmn Patrick and Sen. Donna Campbell sponsored SB 1406 which does the same. A hearing was held April 2 and passed out of committee April 4th with a vote of 7-0. The April 2nd hearing can be viewed here: Senate Education (Part 1) and Senate Education (Part 2).While the General Session of the 83rd Texas Legislature has been a bust for conservatives, we can still get CSCOPE under control. Let's salvage something. Call your legislator NOW and urge them to vote YES on SB1406!!!
It is clear some Senators are not open to public review of CSCOPE and we encourage their constituents to be asking why.
We encourage citizens to take action, talk to your school board and see if your district uses CSCOPE and if it does, work to get it out of your District. Call your legislators and ask them to support SB 1406 and HB 760. Help educate more citizens on what is going on in our schools by joining AFP-Texas.
Find your legislator here.
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