- Starts by following up on discovery material from the Holy Land Foundation trial.
- Holder claims Gohmert's staff never followed up.
- Holder doesn't know what questions the FBI asked re: Tsarnev.
- Gohmert wants to know about the FBI process.
- Holder plays the 'ongoing investigation' card.
- Holder claims he wasn't aware of the Boston or Cambridge mosques.
- That the FBI was warned about Tsarnev by Russia should have been sufficient.
- "Because of political correctness, there was not a thorough enough investigation to determine whether this kid had been radicalized."
- "On the one hand, we go after Christian groups like Billy Graham's...but then we're hands off to possibly offending someone who has been radicalized as a terrorist."
- Holder's little 'you don't know' schpiel is one of the greatest acts of Chutzpah we've ever seen.
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