"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice!" Proverbs 29:2
American Enterprise Institute had a fascinating seminar on Evangelical perspectives on issues in the news; I don't agree with everything here, but it's a lot of food for thought:
- We are 25% of the population.
- An Augustinian perspective -- The Kingdom of God and Man are always in conflict.
- As Christians, there will always be tension.
- Seek Justice, Love Mercy, Care for the Least, Love Neighbors.
- Words Matter
- What we say in Public really matters.
- Convicted Civility
- Prudence
- The perfected ability to make right decisions
- What are the ends we seek?!?
- Balancing competing goods and lesser evils.
- Recover Natural Law
- Common-cause with people who don't share our theology.
- An ethical foundation that doesn't hit the unsaved over the head with the Bible.
- A bridge between the sacred and the secular.
- Our true home is the city of God.
- Real world possibilities will always be less than our utopian dreams.
- There are no final victories, but there are also no final defeats.
- It's easy for the educated to celebrate the demise of Christian culture; folks lower down the scale don't have the same margin for error.
- Capitalism and democracy only works on a Judeo-Christian foundation.
- Evangelicals ought to be known as the most honest people in politics.
- The good book is good enough if we're smart enough to apply it.
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