This fall, almost 300 churches across Austin, TX are going to engage in Explore God, a campaign that seeks to answer spiritual questions people have in our 92% unchurched city. The campaign will produce a series of videos that will equip believers to discuss God with their unsaved friends, co-workers, and associates. This is the first video:
Explore God Training Session 1: How to Have a Spiritual Conversation from Hill Country Bible Church Austin on Vimeo.
- A spiritual conversation is always two ways
- Not a lecture
- NOT a sales pitch
- Attitude - Accepting, Listening, and Loving
- Not confrontational or harsh
- Don't interrupt
- The Holy Spirit is ALWAYS the third party in the conversation
- People are more open to spiritual conversations than you'd think.
- Don't like arrogance or condescension.
- Our part is planting and watering; not forcing change.
- While people are open to spiritual matters, they lack Christian vocabulary and Biblical knowledge.
- Jesus spoke in everyday language; that's why he used parables.
- Be bold, but graciously so.
- Let the conversation start naturally.
- Walk, don't wave -- Talk to folks with whom you interact regularly about their lives
- Icebreakers -- Anything that turns the conversation towards spiritual matters
- "Did you grow up in Church?!?"
- "What is your spiritual background?!?"
- "How do you get through tough times?!?"
- "Do you ever hope there's more than this?!?"
- "How do you deal with uncertainty?!?"
- Jesus asked questions and listened.
- Next step -- Lunch or Coffee
- Invite them to Church
- Send them info
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