One of the Democrats favorite talking points during the current abortion debate is that the proposed legislation is opposed by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Texas Hospital Association, and the Texas Medical Association.
At first, it sounds important. These are groups with 'credentials.' The real story requires digging.
First up, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists supported Obamacare:
In addition, during the 2009 debate over Obamacare, ACOG recommended rationing of Pap Smears.
The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has long been a proponent of comprehensive health care reform and this weeks' enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care for America Act extends health insurance coverage to an additional 32 million Americans. "Ob-gyns see first-hand the devastating effects that the lack of health insurance or underinsurance has on our patients," noted ACOG President Gerald F. Joseph, Jr, MD.
ACOG credits the President and House and Senate Democratic leaders for including many critical elements of ACOG's Health Care for Women, Health Care for All campaign that will greatly improve women's health, including guaranteed maternity coverage; eliminating pre-existing coverage exclusions for women who are pregnant, have had a previous cesarean, or are the victims of domestic violence; eliminating gender rating that causes women to pay more than men for the same insurance coverage; creating coordinated care centers for women and ensuring direct access to ob-gyns; expanding family planning services for low-income women; and providing access to vital preventive screenings including mammography and Pap tests.
This bill (HR 3590), however, leaves several critical issues unaddressed, including medical liability reform and repeal of the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) used to determine physician payments in the Medicare program. "As ACOG embraces the many positive features of this legislation that will improve the health and well-being of our patients, we will continue to press for national medical liability reform and repeal of the SGR," says Dr. Joseph.
Next, we have the Texas Hospital association, who support Medicaid expansion:
In addition, THA supported last fall's Hospital Tax Increase in Travis County.“Hospitals agree with the governor that the Medicaid program is flawed. Below-cost reimbursement to providers creates an access-to-care problem for the millions currently enrolled, and there have been legitimate concerns about whether the program can sustain the millions more who would be able to enroll under PPACA,” said Dan Stultz, M.D., FACP, FACHE, THA president chief executive officer. “However, without Medicaid expansion, many will remain uninsured and therefore will seek care in emergency rooms, shifting costs to the privately insured and increasing uncompensated care to health care providers.”
Moving on, Texas Medical Association ALSO supports Medicaid Expansion:
The Texas Medical Association, which represents physicians across the state, announced on Saturday that it would support the Medicaid expansion if lawmakers can devise a way to give Texas “the flexibility to change the plan as our needs and circumstances change.”BOTTOM LINE: Three organizations with long histories of supporting progressive legislation are opposed to conservative legislation; sorry Texas Democrats, that's not news.
“You have the two major entities that represent the delivery of health care in Texas saying this is something that we definitely need to look at,” said Dr. Carlos Cardenas, vice president of the TMA board of trustees, adding the organization recognizes “there are issues within the present Medicaid program and that the Legislature is in a position to come up with some reforms to shore up the system.”
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